STEIN AERATED CONCRETE ADHESIVE: Modified polymer-based single-component, ready-to-use aerated concrete adhesive.
USAGE AREAS: Used for bonding aerated concrete panels for thermal and acoustic insulation purposes on normal plaster, concrete surfaces, drywalls, Betopan, OSB, and similar surfaces.
APPLICATION METHOD: The surface to be applied must be dry and smooth, loose materials, grease, and other adhesion-preventing conditions must be eliminated. If the application is to be made on tiles, make sure that the underlying tiles are solid.
APPLICATION: Small balls are placed on the back surface of the panel to be applied at 8-10 points, pressed firmly onto the area to be applied. The bonding process occurs immediately. In wall cladding, a thin layer is spread without using mortar (with a brush or trowel) and placed on the panel to be adhered to. The working time is 5 minutes; drying time varies depending on weather conditions, 2-4 hours, and full strength is achieved in 24 hours.
CONSUMPTION AMOUNT: Varies according to the smoothness of the surface to be applied.
TOOLS: Brush, trowel, rubber mallet.
HEALTH: In case of contact with eyes and skin, rinse with plenty of water, if swallowed, seek the nearest health facility, keep out of reach of children.
CLEANING: Used materials should be washed with water before they dry.
SHELF LIFE: 1 Year at +5°C - +35°C before opening the package.
PACKAGING: (+/- 2%) 3Kg, 5Kg, 10kg, 15kg, 18 kg